Smart Device Policy

Smart devices (cellphones, tablets, etc.) are used in my classroom to contribute to and encourage learning in various ways; however, smart devices are not mandatory in my class. 

While we do not use a smart device every day, I do occasionally start or end the class with a review/intro/how-much-do-you-know about a topic using a device.  It is beneficial in that students are engaged in the activity and in analyzing the results, I can quickly see who is struggling and/or the strengths/weakness in specific learning outcomes.  In addition, students do enjoy, are more engaged, and receive immediate feedback when they are using a smart device to "show what they know."  If a student is sharing a device, it becomes more difficult to gauge how the student is doing since it is unknown who is providing the answer.  At the same time, I use other methods of assessment, like quizzes, tests, presentations, assignments, etc. so I am still able to evaluate a student's progress. 

Because the use of a smart device is not often planned (e.g.  it’s the last 5 minutes of class and students have fully completed their work, or it is Monday morning and students need a "wake-up"), it is difficult to give notice to bring a device.  I am aware that parents/guardians are concerned with giving their son/daughter a device as he/she may be distracted in class or at home, or become overly focused on technology.  My students are taught responsibility and etiquette in using the device (e.g.  privacy, appropriate times, appropriate use, remembering to charge it while sleeping the night before, remembering where they put it, consequences of screen time, etc.).  Devices in my classroom are used solely for education. With smart devices becoming prevalent in society, it is also important that students know how to use them and are aware of the advantages and disadvantages, and the responsibilities that come with using them.

Whether or not a parent decides to provide their child with a smart device for school is the parents’ prerogative.  Should a parent decide that their child can bring one to school, the minimum requirement is that the smart device is accessible to WIFI so that the child can use the school WIFI to participate in educational activities/tasks.  The device need not be new nor pretty.  I have four old devices that students may borrow if they do not have one available at the time of use.

Students in my class are NOT allowed to be on social media or on the internet without teacher permission or reason.  Such behaviour is detrimental to learning as it prevents being engaged in class lessons/activities and is distracting to myself and classmates.  While monitoring the use of smart devices is challenging, I do believe in giving my students the opportunities to learn responsibility, self-regulation, and accountability.  The following are my classroom policies on the use of smart devices:

1.      A smart device is to remain in the student’s backpack/unseen for the duration of the class (bell to bell) unless otherwise specified for education use, and after which is put back into the backpack once used.

2.      A smart device is to be set on silent and/or turned off for the duration of class (bell to bell) when not in use.  It is extremely distracting and inconsiderate of the teacher and classmates if a smart device rings.

3.      A student who does not abide by the above smart-device policies and cannot self-regulate faces the following consequences:
a.      1st offence (including having the phone out and visible):  Smart device will be taken and returned at the end of class.
b.      2nd offence (including having the phone out and visible):  Smart device will be taken and returned at the end of the day.
c.       3rd offence (including having the phone out and visible):  Smart device will be taken and given to an administrator.  Parent(s) and/or guardian(s) will be contacted.

Please sign, date, and detach the slip below.


I have read, understood, and will respect Ms. Tsang’s classroom policies and consequences on the use of smart devices.  I understand that my teacher has my education best at heart and that using a smart device during class time can both help and hinder my learning, depending on how/when I choose to use it.

Student name:  _________________________  Student signature:  ___________________________

Date:  __________________  Parent/Guardian signature:  __________________________________

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